Friday, January 20, 2012

Officially Jumping the Shark

Words cannot do this photo justice - that's why it's my wallpaper on two monitors. I would have it on all four monitors, but I have to get SOME work done!

Please feel free to use as your own wallpaper.

Dreamy, sophisticated and disturbing captured with just the right lighting and facial hair. The purple tie brings it home.


I'm afraid JeffreySits-dot-blogspot-dot-com will never be able to top this post. It is all downhill from here, but we hope you've enjoyed the ride.

One final note - thanks to Jeff for being such a good sport and for...well...sitting.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

One More Day

Just a reminder that Jeffrey is still sitting on a plane today returning from Symposium West.

But we'll post the best photo ever tomorrow. If you checked back today, you are a little impatient. Please check back tomorrow - it will be worth it!!

Here's a repost of a pic to hold you over.

Timeless and classic.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wait for it...

Jeffrey is currently sitting at Symposium West...

The big post comes this FRIDAY...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

From the 'What Was I Thinking' Files

Ever look back at a photo and wonder what you were thinking? Not necessarily in relation to what you were doing, be it a keg stand in front of the CEO or photocopying your butt on the company fax machine, but other times like when someone caught you at the exact moment you were contemplating something probably really, really, really important.

"What exactly is a shart?"

Saturday, January 14, 2012


It's always imperative to have good posture when you are on a panel - even if it looks like you have a board up your.... "sweater". 

There will be no JeffreySits next Monday because of Martin Luther King Jr's holiday (who was rumored to be quite a sitter himself), but there will be the gem among gems coming next week.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012